It’s time to pull out pansies and violas and other winter flowering annuals and replace them with something that will put on a show through summer. One of my favourite warm season annuals is Vinca. This tough little thing looks very much like a New Guinea Impatiens, with smallish, glossy green oval-shaped leaves and masses...Read More
Blue flowers always add a sense of calm and coolness to a garden. While red, yellow and orange accentuate the heat, blues and purples seem to moderate it, especially when complemented with some white. One way to get purple, lavender and white tones in the garden is to plant Brunfelsia latifolia. This clever shrub gives...Read More
Late spring is hydrangea time. With their lovely neat mounds of lush green leaves, topped by clusters of little buds that grow plumper by the day, they are a highlight in semi-shaded situations from now through to the end of summer. In full bloom, the large, striking flower heads in shades of blue, purple, pink,...Read More