Creating Beautiful Gardens
in Byron Bay
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Welcome to Eden at Byron - a beautiful Garden Centre in Byron Bay

Here at Eden at Byron we’ve been inspiring gardeners for over 25 years. We’ve helped many people young and old to discover the joy of growing plants.

Our friendly team of qualified horticulturists has over 100 years of gardening experience between them, so we can give you the gardening advice that you need.

New to Gardening?

If you’re new to gardening feel free to pop into our garden centre and chat with one of our qualified horticulturists about the type of garden you want to create. We can assist with any type of gardening questions about herb and vegetable gardens, fruit trees, native plants, flowers, perennials, shrubs, annuals, potted plants, water plants, indoor plants, seedlings, and annuals – you name it, we can help you with it.

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Join Our Garden Club

As a member of our Rewards Club, you’ll join a select group of customers who enjoy a range of benefits. You’ll receive points for every dollar you spend, and you can redeem those points for in-store purchases. It’s free to join, so, if you’re not already a member, sign up next time you visit.

You’ll also receive our regular email newsletter, packed with great seasonal information about what to plant, and what’s looking good.

From Our Garden Blog

What to do in the Garden this February

Summer is a vibrant time in the kitchen garden with an abundant harvest of all the warm season fruits, vegetables and herbs. We are enjoying incredibly fresh, healthy, flavour filled goodness of homegrown produce as delightful rewards for our efforts. February To Do List • Summer is the entertaining season and regular harvesting from the...
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What To Do In The Garden In January

Happy New Year and a very warm welcome back to the garden for the new year. Summer is a great time of year to stop and to enjoy the fruits of the previous labour. On saying this, there is still much than be achieved in the summer garden. Garden jobs for January: Treat gardens, pots...
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